Friday, December 1, 2017

Hello December!

I can’t believe it is already December! It feels like this year really flew by. 2017 has been full of so many great things, but I am certainly looking forward to next year! The holidays are some of my favorite times because I get to spend time with my family, friends, and my poodle (who absolutely loves Christmas dinner), enjoying each other and the special traditions we share.

The holidays are also an important time to stay organized and keep focused on your goals. This not only applies to home organization, but also organization of your life! It is very easy to get caught up in the fast-paced schedule that most people keep up during this time of the year. It’s important to make time for yourself and relaxation, and to remember that life isn’t just about the parties and the presents.

One way you can make finding time for yourself and relaxation a little easier, is by staying up on your home organization. While that may seem like a huge chore in itself, you will thank yourself later for the stress you avoided. I find during this time of the year that people have a hard time enjoying themselves because they are worried about cleaning the house to prepare for guests and parties. If your home could use a little TLC, designate a weekend to getting things under control and in their best shape. The holidays should be for making memories with loved ones and relaxing, not constantly cleaning and organizing!

How do you stay organized during the holidays and what are your favorite holiday traditions?
Comment below!

Happy December!
